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Главная » 2018 » Июнь » 2 » SIX MUST-HAVES FOR TRAVELING WOMEN

The thought of traveling can be complicated enough. That is why it is very important for women to have these “must have” items to ensure a fun and hassle free travel.

First and probably most important on the list are tampons. Most women would probably agree that tampons are indispensible items for traveling women.

The thing with tampons is that they are not readily available for some countries particularly those outside Europe and North America, where sanitary napkins are commonly used. Packing tampons in your travelling bag can be very convenient and hygienic of course especially on your red flag days. Essentially, tampons can be purchased at chosen convenient store, or to some online stores like http://www.kotex.com/na/buy-online.

For women, cosmetics as well as other products like lotions, shampoo and conditioners are essential part of our daily routine even so when traveling. Problem is that these products tend to spill when not properly packed resulting to huge mess. To effectively address this problem, you should use ziploc bags to store your cosmetic and hygienic product, thus minimizing chances of them spilling out. In this site http://www.ziploc.com/ you can find wide selection of ziploc bags that comes in different shape and sized to cater your storage needs.

When traveling, you can never really know on what occasions or events you are going to attend. That is why it would be ideal for you to keep an all-around outfit in a form of a cute black dress. It has been proven that black dress can go along with any event or occasion, from casual to formal creating a sensual yet sophisticated look for you. For a wide selection of black dress that you can bring along with your travel, you can check out http://www.lightinthebox.com/c/little-black-dresses_2050.

For women, their hair needs to be in good shape at all time, especially when we are traveling. A bad hair day can be immediately addressed though portable hair dryer that is made perfectly for traveling women. This site http://www.brookstone.com/travel-hair-dryers-ionic-1875-wattsoffers a diverse collection of hair dryers that are light weight and can easily be packed inside any traveling bags.

We’ve come to the fifth essential must have for traveling women, and that would be a digital camera. Let’s face it; women have the tendency to be so sentimental over a place or experience. And the only way that we can get over with that is to have a piece of remembrance, even with just a single photo. With digital cameras you cannot only capture sceneries but more importantly, you can capture moments that you can always relive anytime.

Last on the list for women traveller must haves are hand held bags, commonly known as clutch bags. Unlike most men, women need a lot of things when traveling like lipstick, tissue papers, compact powders, gadgets and tons of other stuffs. Stuffing them all in a stylish clutch bag can be very convenient and fashionable as well. Some of today’s hottest hand held bags can be found at http://www.longchamp.com/.

Try to stuff all these must have items in your traveling bag and also don’t forget to buy travel insurance for a safe and one-of-a kind travel experience for you.


| Теги: Советы, путешествие, Туризм, женщины | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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